No bus depot
It’s a shame and a disgrace that Madison let both the Badger Bus and Greyhound terminals close (“Going Nowhere,” 3/23/17) and still haven’t figured out a sensible replacement.
Margaret Frechette (via Facebook)
They need to at least move to another sidewalk considering the headache this causes for everyone in and around the Union.
Christina McCoy (via Facebook)
A train would fix this. Oh, that’s right….
Rick Bristol (via Facebook)
Whose free speech?
In “Speech Wars” (3/23/2017), it mentions Scott Walker’s proposal that supposedly encourages free speech. It’s amusing he would be pushing for this since a few years ago he had hundreds of people arrested at the Capitol for exercising their First Amendment rights. People were arrested for singing, holding signs and banners, chalking and releasing balloons. Most of the charges were thrown out, but about 100 were appealed and then thrown out. I was arrested eight times, and had to pay a $200.50 fine for releasing a red heart balloon in the Rotunda. So it’s laughable that Walker would try to claim he’s interested in free speech. He also referred to protesters as “terrorists” and ISIS members when he was running for president. He claimed he knew how to deal with ISIS because he’d dealt with protesters at the Capitol.
Also, in the last budget he tried to get rid of the Wisconsin Idea. That was removed and he tried to deny he’d included it. He lied.
Genie Ogden (via email)
To kill by any other name
The letter writer who took umbrage at your use of the verb “harvest” in the context of wolf hunting (“Endangered,” 3/16/17) should have consulted a dictionary before waxing pedantic. Had he done so, he might have found that one definition of “harvest” is “to gather, catch, hunt, or kill (as salmon, oysters, or deer) for human use, sport, or population control.”
Knute K. Knutson (via email)