Re: “Call Me the Loyal Opposition” (Citizen Dave,, 4/25/2017): “[Resistance] is not accurate because resistance implies opposition to a government imposed by force or otherwise illegitimately in your country.” But this government is illegitimate, and not just the feds but in our state as well. Not technically, of course, but we haven’t had a government of the people, by the people, and for the people for a long time. The government of corporations needs to perish from this earth. Trump might actually help to this end, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t resist everything he’s trying to do in the meantime.
And damn right we should follow the French lead. They’re about to elect a president from outside the system, and even if the one with terrifying far-right ideas wins, at least she denounced her party. I would have applauded Trump if he had (officially) done the same to Republicans
Victor Toniolo (via Facebook)
I resist Citizen Dave.
Jack Kear (via Facebook)
Brexit stage left
Re: “Dane County’s ‘Brexit’” (4/27/2017): There are very important reasons to have broad and effective zoning that addresses issues beyond small municipal boundaries — such as controlling development in areas where infrastructure/municipal service expansion costs would be too great, compared to the tax base received. Bad comparison to Brexit — very different issues at risk of being lost here, including farmland to shortsighted development, and loss of municipal budget viability. Think, people!
Adam Flickinger (via Facebook)
Fred’s the best!
Re: “The Lifer” (4/27/2017): Fred Risser is the best of Wisconsin!
Jerry Merriman (via Facebook)
State Rep. Scott Allen of Waukesha was misidentified in last week’s story, “Dane County’s ‘Brexit.’”