Dirty skies
Re: “F-35 jets will not enhance our security,” (10/12/2017): Another good reason to oppose locating the F-35 at Truax is the air pollution it will rain down on Madison, Dane County and rural areas of Wisconsin. My wife and I spent 17 years living in Madison while our children were growing up and one of things we really enjoyed was the healthy and beautiful environment. This will be ruined.
The main advocate, by her own words, for locating the F-35 in Madison is Sen. Tammy Baldwin. A group of Wisconsin citizens have asked Baldwin to withdraw her support for the F-35 in Madison. Perhaps if the people of Madison, Dane County and Wisconsin make it clear they do not want this military wasteful and polluting weapon in Madison or Wisconsin she will listen.
— Bob Graf, via email
Elite antics
Re: “Defeating Scott Walker is the key to saving the UW,” (10/19/2017): Alan Talaga works himself into a fine lather over recent resolutions by the UW Board of Regents. He seems especially bothered by the Board’s endorsement of “a policy that unconstitutionally limits student speech on campus,” presumably by putting in place punishments for any student who repeatedly interferes with the rights of speakers to voice opinions contrary to the extreme leftist ideology prevalent at most colleges and universities, including the UW.
If Talaga wants to assign blame for the supposed ruination of the UW, he should direct his ire at administrators who for decades have allowed the erosion of free speech on campus by turning a blind eye to the antics of a tiny cadre of intolerant activists intent on silencing the voices of anyone whose opinions they find distasteful.
— Gary L. Kriewald, via email
Teeing off
Re: Citizen Dave: “Close Yahara Hills golf course,” 10/24/2017: Monona needs to keep that green space. Perhaps make it more of a community activity space instead of golfing? Just don’t turn it into high density housing or strip malls.
— Dianne Carey, via web
Closing the Monona Drive location makes more sense, from a future infill development standpoint.
— Michael Goetz
Corrections: Last week in “Big Ten champs,” the role of the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education in the Big Ten Voting Challenge was incorrectly stated; it will compile voter turnout data which each school will share. Also last week, in “Start me up,” Forrest Woolworth should have been identified as a founding team member and chief operating officer of the mobile game shop PerBlue.