On the wrong track
As a proud resident of the nation’s “nicest” and least black-friendly liberal bubble (very little irony here), I write to help liberals avoid many of the same distortions the alt-right bubble provides for its “constituents.”
The “kerfuffle,” a nice, polite, progressive word for fight, over career tracking in MMSD schools clearly shows one thing: Madison parents, like most middle-class parents, don’t want jobs for their kids, they want careers (“Pathways Pilot Program to Debut,” 11/23/2016). Thus, classroom job-tracking, as opposed to “Health careers with a focus on social justice,” is a Big Bad Deal.
Kids have way too many options as it is. No middle-class family wants their kid to be a career CNA or phlebotomist anyway.
Wake up, and either train your kids for some kind of job, while they last, or get out of the way and let other parents use the public schools for their primary purpose: producing an educated and level-headed workforce.
Michael Butkus-Bomier (via email)
A tank by any other name
Re: “Not a Tank” (Isthmus.com, 11/23/2016): So it’s a tank?
Wil Borowski (via Facebook)
“Rescue vehicle”? To attack protesters?
Greg Ferguson (via Facebook)
Don’t try this at home
It is good to see the article about prescribed fire and ecosystems restoration (“Burned and Born Again,” 11/23/2016). It would be good to stress, however, that the technique requires training to be used safely and effectively.
Jan Ketelle (via email)
An article in the Nov. 23 issue, “Burned and Born Again,” gave an incorrect ratio for the fuel used in drip torches by the city during prescribed burns. The workers use a 4-to-1 diesel/gasoline mix.