Adjust the volume
Re: “Road Block,” 12/3/2017: Sure, Wall has a right to an opinion and a voice, as does everyone who lives in that area. The trouble is, it seems like he thinks he deserves more voice than others, when, I think as an absentee property owner, he probably deserves less voice than actual residents.
— Darlene Wolff Harbick (via Facebook)
Walmart and friends
Re: “Big box, small tax bill” (11/22/2017): Do you think for a second that the hate-filled wingnuts that dominate our state Legislature and [Supreme] Court aren’t going to make sure Walmart wins? Not only because they think less tax is always better (even when it destroys our state), but also because this will specifically stick it to the “libtards” in Madison. As far as these monsters are concerned, it’s “win-win.”
— Sally Hoien (via web)
Action, please!
Re: “A Movie a day,” 12/14/17: I can confirm the excessive gap between the posted show time and the opening credits at the AMC Dine-In. In two recent visits there, I was subjected to annoying 20- and 25-minute waits. I might suggest that Madison moviegoers register their displeasure to theater managers when this excessive barrage of ads and trailers occurs.
— Nick Ciganovich
It’s an Itty Bitty world
Re: “Itty Bitty superstar” (12/14/2017): I am a knitter from Montana, sitting here in my home in Whitefish, ironically wearing a shawl I knit from one of Susan’s patterns: a “Yowza Weigh It Shawl.” I looked in my Ravelry and have knit nine of her patterns. I have ordered twice from Barrett Wool. I have been so thankful for the connection people have through the internet — Ravelry and Instagram are lifesavers in the knitting world. Even though Susan is famous amongst knitters, she is sweet beyond belief. I have e-mailed her twice through Ravelry and she has sent the kindest responses. If the world had more people like Susan at the helm, it would truly be a better place!
— Stephi Gordon (via web)
Not safe enough, I guess
Re: “Safe space (12/14/2017): Answering phones for WORT’s pledge drives, I’ve had people say “I love the music, but not WORT’s politics.” Maybe it was Grothman.
— David Lorentzen (via Facebook)
Music is a wonderful way to bridge a gap. People may not agree on anything but many might agree on music.
— Dianne Carey (via Facebook)
That’s enough of that
Re: “Keep news outlets insulated from politics” (12/7/2017): Keep these very important media stations in UW-Extension! The political Board of Regents has no place in the media — they have already done enough damage to the university and the citizens of the once-great state of Wisconsin.
— Mitzi Duxbury (via web)