Support the Press
The Simpson Street Free Press offers real-world skills to its students and has been nurturing talent for a generation ("An Achievement-Gap Solution," 1/24/2014). Confident, competent young leaders are an eloquent testimony to its success. We never suggest that SSFP is the only solution to achievement gaps, only that it is a proven solution that has long waiting lists. More students would join if funding was available. The curriculum is in place, and committed alumni are ready to step in as full-time editors. Many principals would like the program in their schools. The students and staff would love to produce more print editions to reach a wider audience.
SSFP managing editor Deidre Green argues that educational equality is "the modern civil rights movement," and that we must "address our achievement gaps with the appropriate sense of urgency." As a community, we have debated the best path to educational equality for years without seeing much improvement. We should listen to those on the front lines of this fight and learn from their experiences. The students cannot afford to wait.
Lisa Brennan, Simpson Street Free Press board member
Sincerest thanks
I want to extend my sincerest thanks to Judith Davidoff for her extended coverage of the state's effort to deport Alexander Timofeev ("He Smoked Some Weed as a Teenager; Now This Madison Dad Faces Deportation," 7/5/2013; "Deportation Case Returns to Dane County Court," 8/9/2013; "Throwing Out Old Convictions," 1/10/2014; "'I'm Officially a Free Man,'" 1/17/2014).
I am Alex's former brother-in-law, and I think I speak for all his friends and family when I say that we are deeply grateful for the time and energy Ms. Davidoff put into publicizing his case. I do not doubt that her work had a vital part to play in the district attorney's decision to withdraw the case against Alex. It is a true joy to see that journalistic integrity is still alive and well here in my hometown.
Robert Walter