As a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, I wanted nothing more than for Mary Burke to win the election. As a former union worker, I wanted nothing more than the ousting of a union-busting regime. All this being said, I am terribly disappointed in your post-election cover photo of Scott Walker. He is our governor now and for the next four years. Harboring angst and anger over the election results and having that anger come out in the form of a very unflattering picture (the kind used in negative campaign tactics) is disrespectful and sophomoric. We, as Democrats, are better than this.
Rick Dunn
Thank you for capturing the essence of Scott Walker in your cover pic, something somewhere between a weasel and the Grinch.
Jack Guzman
I found it so amusing that you should put an unflattering photo of Scott Walker on your cover in response to his third successful election in four years. It's the Madison way, it seems. You do not have anything constructive to say or do so you resort to seventh-grade slam-book techniques to vent your ire. After living in Madison for 17 years, my clearest impression of the politics of most of its citizens is that you are poor losers and even worse winners.
Jennifer Das
Thanks for publishing that douchey picture of Scott Walker on the cover of your recent edition. It sufficiently sickened me. Bravo!
Tom McDonald, Middleton
As a guilty pleasure, I treated myself to Isthmus this weekend so that I could enjoy the post-election columns and comments. It was the same old tired and predictable liberal rhetoric I expected, but what surprised me was the photo of Gov. Walker on the cover. I couldn't believe how childish it was of your paper to have used such an unflattering photo.
Dennis Lee