Dear Tell All: I believe that Donald Trump is making America terrible again. He’s rolling back the clock with his shameless racism, misogyny and xenophobia.
Even worse than his opinions are his actions. Here’s a guy who encourages violence at his rallies. Who insults women for the way they look. Who uses homophobic slurs to belittle his rivals. Who threatens riots if he doesn’t win. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to call Donald Trump a threat to the republic.
I have such a visceral hatred of him that I’ve reacted badly to a Trump lookalike at work. This man recently joined my team, and the resemblance is eerie: the overly bronzed skin tone, the oddly shaped and colored hair, the scowl, the jowls.
I don’t know anything about his politics. Just from his appearance and his manner I’d guess he’s a conservative, but who knows? Nevertheless, I find myself loathing him, and I’m having a hard time masking it. I feel guilty for cutting him off in meetings and giving him the cold shoulder in the hallways.
How would you handle the situation? Part of me wants to conquer this irrational emotion, and part of me doesn’t care. How can I be civil to a guy who reminds me of Donald Trump?
Dear #NeverTrump: For somebody who dislikes Donald Trump so much, you’re sure indulging in Trump-like behavior. As you point out, Trump is all about hatred, and here you are hating up a storm in your own workplace.
I sense you realize you’re being an idiot. So here’s my advice: Stop. Do something Trump would never do by reaching out to a man you dislike and getting to know him better. You’ll probably learn that you share a common humanity, and as a result your workplace will start to feel more like a community than a battleground. We can only hope the same thing happens in the United States.
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