Dear Tell All: I'm a Madison Republican - yes, we do exist. As you can imagine, I'm used to my local candidates losing elections, and also to post-election celebrations by Democrats.
But it's been worse since the Nov. 6 election. The spectacle of gloating Democrats has been very ugly, in my opinion. It's not enough that their candidates won; they seem more excited about the fact that my candidates lost. There's rampant snickering about Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Tommy Thompson on Facebook and around my neighborhood.
I think Democrats have given up all claims to the high road with this juvenile one-upsmanship. How can I best defend myself, besides fighting back on Facebook?
Red Fred
Dear Tell All: Tell me, please: How long can I leave my Obama/Baldwin yard signs up?
- For four more years! This is what Democracy looks like!
- Till spring has sprung.
- Christmas.
- Take them down already - there's no need to rub the Republicans' noses in it.
I await your vote.
True Blue Thru and Thru
Dear Red Fred and True Blue: May I suggest laying down your arms, at least in terms of neighborly relations? I don't think any good can come from Republicans and Democrats sniping about the 2012 election for weeks after it's ended.
True Blue, that means removing the yard signs to give your conservative neighbors a break. And Red Fred, that means tolerating local Democrats' high spirits. After all, it's been a bad couple of years for them, and there's only more where that came from when Republicans take over all branches of state government in January. You can understand their need for a release.
Myself, I don't condone petty behavior on either side, believing that magnanimity is always the better option. After all, we're fellow citizens, fellow human beings. Call me sentimental, but I think red and blue look quite nice together on the American flag.