Dear Tell All: I live in one of those Madison neighborhoods where the houses are really close together. If the windows are open in my house and my next-door neighbors', I can hear their dinnertime conversation.
The close quarters are probably part of the reason things have gotten chilly between them and us. They're a couple about the same age as my wife and me. We've lived side-by-side for almost a decade, and we were very close friends the first few years. We went to movies, invited each other over for dinner and had joint birthday parties when our kids -- girls on each side -- were born.
Having kids was pretty much the beginning of the end. Their girls and our girls inevitably fought, and my wife and I heard some terrible things said about our family through the open window. We confronted them about it, and our relationship has never been the same.
This brings me to my current dilemma. The neighbors recently installed a hot tub in their backyard, and of course my wife and I can hear everything that goes on out there. And let me tell you, a lot goes on out there, especially when their kids are asleep or away from home. The two of them have started having sex in the water, with lots of giggling, dirty talk and splashing around. Do they not know that we can hear them? Or are they just rubbing it in our faces?
I feel like I have to do something, since my kids can hear them too. But I really don't know how to handle the situation. As far as I can see, I have two options: 1) confront them directly, which would be incredibly uncomfortable given our history. Or 2) complain to the police, which would make a bigger deal out of it than is probably necessary.
What do you think?
Involuntary Voyeur
Dear Voyeur: How about a third option: you and your wife joining them in the hot tub? It could be just the thing to take the chill out of the relationship with your onetime friends.
Readers, any other, more practical suggestions?
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