Dear Tell All: I’ve lived on a pleasant block on Madison’s far east side for a long time. I know all the neighbors and am on good terms with them. The people next door have always been polite, though distant. Whereas many of us on the block go to each other’s houses or out to dinner together, this couple have pretty much kept to themselves. Even their two kids, now in middle school and high school, are standoffish. As far as I know, neither the kids nor the parents have friends in the neighborhood.
I’ve traded theories about this family with my other neighbors, sometimes in jest. Are they hiding a shocking secret? Are they part of a criminal enterprise? I’ve always been curious rather than truly concerned...until now. Weird stuff has been happening next door, and I’m not sure what to do about it.
For starters, the husband seems to have vanished. His car has been gone for months. Roughly corresponding to the time he disappeared, I’ve heard awful sounds from inside the house — screaming, glass breaking and heavy thumping noises, as if someone is pushing furniture (or something else?) down the stairs.
As I said, this family had always been polite, but that’s changed. Now, the wife and kids don’t look me or my husband in the eye when we pass them on the sidewalk.
I’ve tried discussing the situation with my other neighbors, but nobody is taking it seriously. They just shrug and roll their eyes, the way they always do about this family. But I think something terrible might be happening, and I want to do what’s appropriate. What should that be?
Nosy Nellie
Dear Nellie: I commend you for caring, rather than shrugging and rolling your eyes along with your other neighbors. If it really looks like an emergency next door, call 911. If it doesn’t reach emergency status but still seems like a matter for the authorities, call the Madison Police Department dispatch at 608-255-2345. You can also discuss an appropriate course of action with the police department’s East District: 608-266-4778.
You could consider another call first, though: to the neighbor wife herself. What’s happening next door might simply be the breakup of a marriage and the dissolution of a family, with all the attendant chaos and grief. The woman next door would likely appreciate your concern.
If she doesn’t, and still acts suspiciously, you’ll know that continued vigilance is necessary.
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