Fat Tuesday pop-up
Tuesday, March 5
Alt n’ Bach’s Town Tap hosts a special New Orleans-themed Mardi Gras dinner. On the menu: Oysters (Rockefeller or raw), shrimp gumbo, fried shrimp po’ boys and drink specials. At 2602 Whalen Lane, 5-10 pm.
Tibetan momos from Tenzin’s Kitchen
Wednesday, March 6
Madeline Uraneck will be at the next Culinary History Enthusiasts of Wisconsin meeting to share her insight on Tibetan cuisine. Uraneck is the author of How to Live a Life: A Tibetan Refugee Family and the Midwestern Woman They Adopted, which tells the story of her 25-year friendship with Tenzin Kalsang and her family. Momos and losa (New Year’s) treats will be on hand. At Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St., 7:15 pm.
Danish Culinary Event
Wednesday, March 6
What do the Danes eat? Find out from Denmark-enthusiast Carol Schroeder, owner of Orange Tree Imports and co-author of Eat Smart in Denmark. She’ll be leading a talk hitting on topics like the new Nordic cuisine movement, ordering from a pølsevogn (sausage wagon) and how to shop for fresh grøntsager at an outdoor market. Coffee and dessert will be served after the presentation. At HotelRED, 1501 Monroe St., 6-8 pm.