Fermentation Fest 2019
Fermentation Fest classes
Saturdays and Sundays, Oct. 5-Oct. 13
The annual celebration of everything fermented takes over Reedsburg for two weekends. The fest features a number of hands-on demonstrations and workshops. Some class highlights include Bean to Brew: Coffee and Fermentation, Gluten-Free Yeast Breads, Wisconsin Cheese and Beer Pairing, Herbal and Fermented Cocktails, Hot Sauce 101, Kombucha, Kvass and Kefir, Demystifying Miso, Wild Food/Wild Medicine, Fermented Indigo for Dyeing, and the intriguingly titled How to Make Raw Milk Cheese and Stay Out of Jail. Register for classes at fermentationfest.com. In Reedsburg on Oct. 5-6 and Oct. 12-13.
Cooking with Beer
Monday, Oct. 7
Rachel Hanson — host of the Simply Fun Cooking web series — is teaching a class on preparing a classic Oktoberfest mahlzeit. You’ll learn how to make pretzel bites, beer cheese dip and Oktoberfest stew. Class fee ($30) includes a cookbook, a mixing bowl and a pint of beer. Sign up at tinyurl.com/deltaoktoberfest. At Delta Beer Lab, 167 E. Badger Rd., 6:30-8 pm.
Cheesemaking 101
Tuesday, Oct. 8
Chefs Edward Chwae and Christy McKenzie share the basics of fresh cheesemaking at home. You’ll learn the history of such cheeses as chevre and ricotta and the techniques to make homemade acid-coagulated and cultured cheeses. Cheesemaking supplies will be available for purchase, too. Class fee ($45), sign up at tinyurl.com/cheesemaking101pp. At Pasture and Plenty, 2433 University Ave., 6-8 pm.